Tuesday, December 2, 2008
ZPUGDC & DC Python Meetup: December Meeting
Meeting details are here: http://zpugdc.org/meetings/mtg70
In addition we are hosting the monthly Python Programmers Meetup at the same time/location: http://www.meetup.com/zpugdc/calendar/9095442/. So, you get two meetings for the price of one!
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us:
Alex Clark - aclark at aclark dot net
Matt Bowen - mrbowen at gmail dot com
Hope to see you there.
Alex Clark · http://aclark.net
P.S. We don't have a scheduled speaker at the moment, so the meeting will consist of an around-the-room discussion of your current favorite Python-related technology (e.g. pyjamas, PIL, etc.), followed by a trip to the bar (Rio Grande).
Sunday, November 9, 2008
pyCologne Python User Group, Cologne, Germany, November, 12th, Announcement
starting about 6.30 pm - 6.45 pm
at Room 0.14, Benutzerrechenzentrum (RRZK-B)
University of Cologne, Berrenrather Str. 136, 50937 Köln, Germany
- The GUI-Toolkit pyGTK (Andi Albrecht)
- Network- and Server-Programming with Python (Klaus Bremer)
- Discussion about our this year's christmas party :-)
Further information including directions how to get to the location can be found at:
http://www.pycologne.de (Sorry, this page is in German only)
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
pyCologne Python User Group, Cologne, Germany, October, 8th, Announcement
starting about 6.30 pm - 6.45 pm
at Room 0.14, Benutzerrechenzentrum (RRZK-B)
University of Cologne, Berrenrather Str. 136, 50937 Köln, Germany
- Introduction into wxPython (Rebecca Breu)
- Examples for Applications of wxPython:
- Vocabulary-Trainer (Ralf Schönian)
- Sudoku (user defined cell-renderer for the Grid-Widget) (Rebecca Breu)
Further information including directions how to get to the location can be found at:
http://www.pycologne.de (Sorry, this page is in German only)
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
pyCologne Python User Group, Cologne, Germany, September, 10th, Announcement
starting about 6.30 pm - 6.45 pm
at Room 0.14, Benutzerrechenzentrum (RRZK-B)
University of Cologne, Berrenrather Str. 136, 50937 Köln, Germany
- Discussion of the idea to create a pyCologne-Yearbook (2007/) 2008 containing all the events and talks.
- Python 3.0 (3000) Workshop with debate about changes and new features of the Python-Programming-Language e.g.: Strings. Everyone is invited to participate and to provide a little introduction into a Python 3000-Topic.
Further information including directions how to get to the location can be found at:
http://www.pycologne.de (Sorry, this page is in German only)
Monday, August 25, 2008
pyCologne Python User Group, Cologne, Germany, August 13th Notes
This time we had as a special guest Guy Kloss, who introduced the New Zealand Python User Group (NZPUG)
and held his talk about Python/C++-Integration:
Thinking Hybrid - Python/C++ Integration (Guy Kloss)
- The slides can be found at SlideShare: Thinking Hybrid - Python/C++ Integration
- Source-Code and Examples:
- Examples: PyNativeIntegration-examples.tar.gz
- NaSt2D (2D Fluid-Dynamics-Solver): PyNativeIntegration-nast2d.tar.gz
- (on the Web: ftp://ftp.lrz-muenchen.de/pub/science/fluiddynamics/cfd/NaSt2D or http://people.scs.fsu.edu/~burkardt/cpp_src/nast2d/nast2d.html or Version 2.0: http://home.arcor.de/drklaus.bauerfeind/nast/eNaSt2D.html)
EuroPython 2008 from 7th to 12th July 2008 in Vilnius.
Talks from pyCologne-Members: Reimar Bauer (MoinMoin und Mercurial), Stefan Pielicke (SVNChecker), Andreas Schreiber (DataFinder)
Talk by Travis Oliphant (ENTHOUGHT) on 24th of July 2008 at DLR about NumPy, SciPy and the Enthought Tool Suite. The slides and Video can be found at https://wiki.sistec.dlr.de/TechTalks/20080724OliphantNumPy
Talk by Guy Kloss on 13th of August.at DLR about Multithreading vs. Multiprocessing. The slides and Video can be found at https://wiki.sistec.dlr.de/TechTalks/20080813KlossMultithreadingVsMultiprocessing
FrOSCon on 23th/24th of August 2008 at FH Bonn-Rhein-Sieg in St. Augustin Talks/Events from pyCologne-Members: Stefan Pielicke about SVNChecker and "A Python Coffee/Tea-Party" featuring a general introduction into Python and a talk about Turtle-Graphics by Dirk Hünniger and Günter Jantzen.
PyCon UK from 12th to 14th September in Birmingham
Talks by pyCologne-Members: Andreas Schreiber about Organizing the Data Chaos of Scientists
"wxPython in Action" (Noel Rappin, Robin Dunn)
"Python für Kids" (Gregor Lingl) - Introduction to Python for children
- "Turtle Geometry" (Harold Abelson, Andrea diSessa) - A book diving into the mathematics of Turtle-Graphics
The following Web-Pages were presented during the meeting:
The next meeting will be held on, Wednesday, September, 10th.
Like usual we enjoyed the rest of the evening in our usual italian restaurant having food, drinks and friendly conversation.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
pyCologne Python User Group, Cologne, Germany, August, 13th, Announcement
starting about 6.30 pm - 6.45 pm
at Room 0.14, Benutzerrechenzentrum (RRZK-B)
University of Cologne, Berrenrather Str. 136, 50937 Köln, Germany
- Discussion of the idea to create a pyCologne-Yearbook (2007/) 2008 containing all the events and talks.
- Python 3.0 (3000) Workshop with debate concerning changes and new features within the Python-Programming-Language e.g. Strings.
Further information including directions how to get to the location can be found at:
http://www.pycologne.de (Sorry, this page is in German only)
Thursday, July 31, 2008
DFW Pythoneers, 4th Sat July, Topics Covered
We covered introspection at the Python prompt, using dir(), type(), id() and help() to examine your environment as well as the useful "python -v" and "python -i" arguments. Then we got into names and values and how they are organized into namespaces everywhere you turn in Python. We got into the differences between 'is' and '==', mutability, shared vs non-shared structures and whether names are by-ref or by-value. I went over the simple values then the compound values like mappings, sequences and sets.
Around 2pm when the main meeting began we went over how a Python source file is structured, how it gets converted into multiple codeblocks, which are executed immediately and which are executed later. This was a tricky concept for some with lots of discussion. We covered how the Python module system is derived from that for Modula-3, the various kinds of import statements, the true meaning of the global statement (i.e. not really global overall), how modules are aggregated into a navigable top-level set of in-memory namespaces and some of the metadata you can find in them, like __name__ and __file__.
We took a look at the most common modules all programmers should know, such as __builtins__, sys, os, os.path, string and re (derived from Perl), and a bit on the types module. We reviewed the various control structures that Python gives us and also the ones it lacks, such as switch/case and do/while. We looked at the exception model of Python, how it differs from other languages in its continuability and restartability and the correct usage of exceptions in Python for error conditions, not normal control flows.
We touched lightly on the underlying behavior protocols of Python, for object, number, sequence, mapping, iterator and buffer, how Python uses protocols instead of class derivation for grouping behavior. We then got into Python's idea of OOP, the topmost object class, initializers/destructors and the binding of self and what it means when you have an unbound method. We sidestepped metaclasses and the type hierarchy for now but got in a mention of ducks (type peeking), turtles (all the way down) and monkeys (patching).
And because it is such a key concept, we went over 'callables', how different things can be called transparently and the powerful argument passing mechanism Python uses re positional, keyword and default. We touched a bit on what it means to be iterable and moved on to the more concrete ideas of being subscriptable, from/upto, negative ordinals and subscript ranges or slicing. The third slice argument for skipping, forward and backward, was a popular topic.
It was almost 5pm by then and we were running out of time, so we briefly covered predicates; if a == b, if a is b, if a/not a, and the has_key (in) and hasattr tests. We wrapped up with a couple of short code walkthroughs just to see the concepts in use.
This kind of presentation was an experiment to see if there is a demand in our group for a return to the basics of the Python code instead of covering the web framework flavor of the week. Based on this first response, it seemed popular so we'll do it some more at future meetings. I'm going to try to break it apart into relatively standalone topic chapters and, when I do, make those materials available online.
I'll be at WorldCon during our 2nd Sat meeting of August but we'll do this again for the 4th Sat meeting.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
pyCologne Python User Group, Cologne, Germany, July 9, Notes
The meeting started with some introductory statements from Rex Turnbull:
- Short talks and talks in general from everybodies work experience are very welcome at any of our meetings.
- Klaus Bremer suggests to give a talk on Web-Applications-Development with Python at one of the next Meetings.
- Suggestion: The call for talks and discussion-topics sent by e-mail should be earlier in advance (Now: about 2 weeks)
- Suggestion: There should be a report about the Europython conference from the participants within the next meeting.
Then we got down to the talks:
Creation of strange pictures using Turtle-Graphics (Günter Jantzen):
Günter gave a short introduction into Turtle-Graphics and Python's Turtle-Graphics-Module and showed us
some amazing pictures:
- The Turtle-Graphics module is based on Tkinter
- The drawing scheme uses the model of a turtle which can advance forward and turn about a certain angle. While moving it draws a line.
- Günter showed some graphics which based on a spiral drawing pattern.
- He discussed the problem that float values can get inexact for certain big numbers and exponents. This problems are visible within the graphics and can be solved by using the modulo function.
The Hotwire-Shell (Michael Kesper):
Michael gave an introduction into the Hotwire-Shell, a modern, object-oriented shell.
- Hotwire-Shell is written in Python and features a graphical user-interface.
- Usual commands like "ls" and "cat" are available. The difference to a normal shell is the presentation of the result within a type specific view. (a directory-listing or a scrollable text-file-browser)
- Results of previous commands are stored and can be used as input for the next command. (Dynamic creation of a pipeline.)
- Hotwire-Shell supports various languages as command languages. e.g. Python
- It can be downloaded at http://hotwire-shell.org/
Information about Open-Source activities around Cologne (Thomas Richter):
Thomas informed us about open-source activities within the region of Cologne:
- There is a collaboration of several User-Groups to get support from the City of Cologne. The idea is that the City of Cologne could provide facilities like rooms for user-group activities (Support of cultural activities is a municipial task.)
- Cooperation with the "Kölner-Freiwilligen-Agentur" has been established. Members of this organization offer their own spare time for activities to help other people or to support social projects.
- On 6th of september there will take place an event of the City of Cologne where the idea of a "House for free software" will be presented.
- There was some discussion for possibilities to cooperate with companies and organizations.
Further announcements:
- 20th of september: Software-Freedom-Day
- 8th to 22th of october: Linux-Congress of the GUUG (German Unix Users Group) in Hamburg with the stress on kernel development.
The minutes of the meeting in German language can be found here.
Like usual we enjoyed the rest of the evening in our usual italian restaurant having food, drinks and friendly conversation.
Monday, July 7, 2008
pyCologne Python User Group, Cologne, Germany, July, 7th, Announcement
starting about 6.30 pm - 6.45 pm
at Room 0.14, Benutzerrechenzentrum (RRZK-B)
University of Cologne, Berrenrather Str. 136, 50937 Köln, Germany
- Creation of strange pictures using Turtle-Graphics (Günter Jantzen)
- Presentation of the RRZN-Python Handbook
Further information including directions how to get to the location can be found at:
http://www.pycologne.de (Sorry, this page is in German only)
Thursday, May 22, 2008
pyCologne Python User Group, Cologne, Germany, May 14, Notes
The meeting started with our yet traditional presentation of old and new participants.
Andreas Schreiber opened the meeting with some announcements:
- FrOSCon will take place in Sankt Augustin near Bonn/Germany from 23rd to 24th August 2008
- Europython will take place in Vilnius, Lithuania from 7th to 12th July 2008
Introducing of the module Pyparsing (Tobias Schlauch):
Tobias gave a detailed overview of parsing texts and how to use the pyParsing-Module
- What is pyParsing? What kind of grammers can be parsed using pyParsing?
- Defining grammers with pyParsing.
- Applying these grammers to texts.
- Processing of parsing-events through special actions.
Representation of (UML)-class-diagrams using Tkinter and the Canvas-Widget (Thomas Lenarz):
Thomas gave an overview of how Tkinter's Canvas-Widget can be used to draw Graph-like diagrams.
- A general short introduction to Tkinter (Widgets, Geometry-Manager).
- The Canvas-Widget (Display-List, drawing of compound graphical objects using Tags)
- Drawing lines and UML-like arrow-types
- Moving of objects and scrolling
The next meeting will be held on, Wednesday, June, 11th.
The minutes of the meeting in German language can be found here.
Like usual we enjoyed the rest of the evening in our usual italian restaurant having food, drinks and friendly conversation.
Monday, May 12, 2008
pyCologne Python User Group, Cologne, Germany, May, 14th, Announcement
starting about 6.30 pm - 6.45 pm
at Room 0.14, Benutzerrechenzentrum (RRZK-B)
University of Cologne, Berrenrather Str. 136, 50937 Köln, Germany
- Talk: Introducing of the module Pyparsing (Tobias Schlauch)
- Talk: Representation of (UML)-class-diagrams using Tkinter and the Canvas-Widget (Thomas Lenarz)
Further information including directions how to get to the location can be found at:
http://www.pycologne.de (Sorry, this page is in German only)
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Notes from the SoCal Piggies meeting on May 1st
The first speaker was Ben Bangert, who gave us an overview of his Python Web framework, Pylons. I hope I'll get the actual slides from Ben, and I'll post a link here as soon as I can (UPDATE: here are the slides in PDF format). In the mean time, I'll use my notes to give you an idea of what Ben talked about:
- Pylons was created with simplicity in mind (it consists of only 1,400 lines of code)
- It uses WSGI as the glue between various components
- It follows the Model-View-Controller pattern: Pylons itself is the Controller, the ORM (SQLAlchemy) is the Model, and the template language (Mako) is the view
- The core components of Pylons are: Routes for URL configuration, Beaker for session/caching management, WebError for exception handling/debugging info, WebOb for easier HTTP request/response handling, and Paste for WSGI loading/configuration
- All these components are examples of what is called 'WSGI Middleware'
- Pylons recommends SQLAlchemy for the database/ORM layer, and Mako for templating, but it supports other ORM and templating modules too (examples of alternative templating tools are Genshi and Jinja)
One thing I didn't quite realize before Ben's presentation is that Pylons and its core/recommended components are the work of a triumvirate which I'm tempted to call 'B Cubed', or The Bangert-Bicking-Bayer Ensemble. As Ian Bicking says, Ben Bangert lords over Pylons, Route and Beaker, Ian lords over Paste, WebOb and FormEncode, while Mike Bayer lords over SQLAlchemy and Mako.
The second presenter was Pablo M. He showed us a practical example of a Google App Engine application called tapapps and built using Flash as the front-end. His goal for this app is to be a portal that aggregates content from various sources. He will then synchronize his iPhone with this one app, as opposed to syncing it to a multitude of content sources. For now though, the app just accepts user input, saves it on the Google BigTable, and displays it to the other users. Pablo was impressed with the ease of deployment of a GAPE application. He modified his Flash source, rebuilt the swf file, then ran appcfg.py to upload a new version of the app to the Google cloud.
A lively discussion ensued following Pablo's presentation. The discussion mostly centered on the current shortcomings of the Google AppEngine environment. For example, any task launched from within your application will be killed after 3 seconds. This means that inserts into the Google Big Table better take less than 3 seconds. Ben actually witnessed how an operation that attempted to insert 50 records at a time was killed because it was too slow. Apparently, writes to the Big Table are very slow, but reads are very fast. Also, the lack of cron-type scheduling is something that really hurts GAPE applications. Not to mention the lack of various Python modules (such as socket, or compiler) -- of which I also complained in another post. Overall though, a Python interest group should have very little to complain about when it comes to the GAPE environment. After all, as Dave Winer said, GAPE turned Python into the new BASIC!
I'd like to thank Steven Wagner from Gorilla Nation for hosting the meeting, Ben Bangert and Pablo M. for presenting at the meeting, and Andre Stechert for facilitating Ben's presence at the meeting.
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Python Sprint in Washington DC This Weekend
The sprint will be at HacDC's rented space at 1525 Newton St NW, Washington DC 20010 USA. There are maps to the location and a wiki page for signing up. Please add your name if you're planning to attend.
If there's interest, Andrew Kuchling can prepare a short introductory talk on Python development and the bug tracker; there's a separate section of the page where you can indicate your interest in seeing the introduction, so please add your name.
Sunday, May 4, 2008
pyCologne Python User Group, Cologne, Germany, April 09, Notes
This time the meeting started off with the talks immediately:
- Firstly, Ralf Schönian talked about the use of Python in Enterprise Business Applications as an example:
- Java is of prime importance for this type of applications. Nonetheless python is being used.
- Karrigell as a lightweight framework, SoapPy, Epidoc, many backports for Python 2.3 (Elementtree, subprocess,...), SQLAlchemy
- Ralf proposed to introduce his favourite editor Ulipad at one of the next meetings.
- Secondly, Houman & Anh Tu Sam introduced their Online-Speed-Dating Project "ZweiDabei":
- Online-Dating using a new concept: Speed Dating within the Internet using webcams
- Implementation in Python using Django for the frontend-, Twisted for the backend-part.
- Plan: It is planned to go online in summer using Amazons computing service
This time at the end of the official part of the meeting old and new participants were introduced:
New participants Houman und Anh Tu Sam.
The next meeting will be held on, Wednesday, May, 14th.
The minutes of the meeting in German language can be found here.
Like usual we enjoyed the rest of the evening in a nearby restaurant having food, drinks and friendly conversation.
Monday, April 21, 2008
Global Python Sprint Weekends
- May 10th (Sat) face-to-face meetings
- May 11th (Sun) online collaboration
- Jun 21st (Sat) face-to-face meetings
- Jun 22nd (Sun) online collaboration
Sunday is geared more towards an online collaboration day via IRC, where we
can take care of all the little things that got in our way of coding on
Saturday (like finalising/preparing/reviewing patches, updating tracker and
documentation, writing tests ;-).
At a Gathering of Your Local Usergroup
For User Groups that are planning on meeting up to collaborate, please reply
to this thread on the python-dev mailing list at python.org and let everyone
know your intentions!
In the #python-dev IRC Chatroom
As is commonly the case, #python-dev on irc.freenode.net will be the place
to be over the course of each sprint weekend; a large proportion of Python
developers with commit access will be present, increasing the amount of eyes
available to review and apply patches.
To build on the successful sprint/bugfix weekends in the past, and the
sprinting efforts at PyCon 2008, let's collaborate remotely and tackle some
of those nasty bugs or cool features for pre-releases of Python 2.6 and/or
3.0. Or improve the documentation.
All contributors that submit code patches or documentation updates will
typically get listed in Misc/ACKS.txt; come September when the final release
of 2.6 and 3.0 come about, you'll be able to point at the tarball or .msi
and exclaim loudly "I helped build that!'', and actually back it up with
hard evidence ;-)
Not sure what to work on? For those that haven't the foggiest on what to
work on, the Python Bug Tracker is the best place to start. Create a login
account and start searching for issues that you'd be able to lend a hand with.
For those that have an idea on areas they'd like to sprint on and want to
look for other developers to rope in (or just to communicate plans in
advance), please also feel free to jump on this thread via the
python-dev mailing list and indicate your intentions.
Read more on the Python Bug Day wiki page, such as about the version
control repository.
We hope to see you there!
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
DFW Pythoneers, 2nd Sat: Topics We Covered
- the Texas Python Community and regional conference planning
- the Pasta Theory of Software
- what is so bad about Potato Programming
- a New Edition of The Python Papers
- a survey of cool Twisted technologies, many not so well known
- Athena - a best-of-breed approach to developing interactive JavaScript (AJAX / Comet) applications
- Vertex - a better concept for a peer-to-peer technology
- Imaginary - simulation engine re role playing, interactive fiction, and multiplayer dungeons
- Mantissa - an application server over Axiom db, Nevow templating and Athena
- Axiom - an innovative database object relational mapper
- Nevow - template language, form processing and really cool STAN, a Pythonic DOM for XML
- talk and demo of the Google AppEngine
- The Decorator Module
For more information about our group, check out our user group wiki.
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
pyCologne Python User Group, Cologne, Germany, April, 9th, Announcement
starting about 6.30 pm - 6.45 pm
at Room 0.14, Benutzerrechenzentrum (RRZK-B)
University of Cologne, Berrenrather Str. 136, 50937 Köln, Germany
- Talk: Use of Python in Enterprises (Ralf Schönian)
Further information including directions how to get to the location can be found at:
http://www.pycologne.de (Sorry, this page is in German only)
V GruPy-SP meeting in São Paulo - March, 24th
- Rodolpho Eckhardt - "PyCon 2008 Trip Report" - Rodolpho made a very nice report of his experience going to Chicago to attend PyCon 2008. It certainly made some of us think about going to PyCon 2009.
- Cary Hull - "Divmod's Axiom" - Cary Hull talked about the Axiom ORM, it was a fast talk introducing it features and benefits.
- Alex Martelli - "Callback design patterns" - Very good technical talk. Details about the use and implementation of Callbacks.
- Guido van Rossum - "Python 3000" - Probably the talk that everyone was waiting, It was the same talk that Guido made at PyCon 2008, he showed the main changes that will happen in Python 3000 and what to do to be prepared to change your code from Python 2.x to 3000.
- Collin Winter - "2to3" - Very good talk from Collin Winter about how the 2to3 conversion tool works, where it does and where it doesn't work.
The next meeting will be held on May. We will not have a meeting in April because of FISL (Free Software International Forum) that will happen on April 17th, 18th and 19th at Porto Alegre.
Thanks to everyone who attended, specially to Rodolpho who organized the meeting.
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Omaha Python Users Group, April 2, Notes
- BeautifulSoup by Eli Criffield
- Tkinter and PMW by Chad Homan
Eli gave a great presentation on the basics of BeautifulSoup and used his sipie project and ipython to help demonstrate the power brew which is BeautifulSoup.
Chad gave a presentation about the advantages of Tkinter on platforms with limited resources. He also demonstrated Python MegaWidgets - PMW. PMW builds on Tkinter to provide things like tabs and notebook metaphors to UIs who use Tkinter.
For more information about our group and when we meet, please see our website.
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
IV GruPy-SP meeting in Santos - Feb, 22 and 23
The GruPy-SP (São Paulo Python User Group) February meeting was held at SENAI Santos. It was a two-day event, one day for talks and the other for the Python Bug Day.
First day - Feb, 22 - Talks
Luciano Ramalho and Pedro Werneck talked to approximately 140 students, professors and professionals at SENAI Santos.
Luciano talked about Python being used by big companies as a “secret weapon”, he showed some Python code including PyGame and Django examples and interactive sessions using the Python console.
Pedro showed some of the versatility of Python presenting a script that manipulates a device plugged in the computer parallel port, some web apps and a GUI application using Tkinter.
Most of the audience was not familiar to Python and this was their first contact with the language.
Second day - Feb, 23 - Python Bug Day
14 members of the GruPy-SP went to Santos to work on the Python Bug Day.
The sprint started at 10h00 led by Luciano Ramalho and Rodrigo Bernardo Pimentel (RBP). We listed the bugs that we thought we could fix and then started working in pairs. The sprint went until 16h00 and we fixed five bugs.
Thanks to everyone who attended, specially to Sandro Fernandes and Ricardo Guinody who organized this meeting.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
pyCologne Python User Group, Cologne, Germany, March 12, Notes
After welcoming and introducing the new participants, there were some announcements of upcoming events:
March, 13th - 16th PyCon in Chicago, IL, US.
- March, 15th demonstration against extensive electronic suveillance in Cologne.
March, 21th - 24th Easter Hack Location: Bürgerhaus Stollwerck, Cologne
March, 26th 19:30 party/information-meeting about the "Document Freedom Day". Location:
Hallmackenreuther, Brüsseler Platz 8, 50674 Köln.April, 12th - 13th, RuPy Conference, Poznàn, Poland
May, 9th - 10th, PyCon Due Italia Konferenz, Florence, Italy
August, 13th - 24th, FrOSCon 2008 St. Augustin near Bonn, Germany.
Christopher Arndt offers to give his talk "How to write pythonic Code" at the next pyCologne-Meeting. He will give this talk at RuPy 2008.
- Stefan Pampel offers to introduce the vi(m)-Editor.
- Thomas Richter proposes that pyCologne organize Talks at FrOSCon 2008.
Günther Jantzen asked for a sequel to the MoinMoin-Talk from Reimar Bauer.
- Günther Jantzen talks about a project to convert an extensive scientific document written with an old version of Word-Perfect to a modern format preserving text-formatting and footnotes. This is done by using XML, Trees and the visitor-pattern.
The next meeting will be held on, Wednesday, April, 9th.
The minutes of the meeting in German language can be found here.
Monday, March 10, 2008
pyCologne Python User Group, Cologne, Germany, March, 12th, Announcement
starting about 6.30 pm - 6.45 pm
at Room 0.14, Benutzerrechenzentrum (RRZK-B)
University of Cologne, Berrenrather Str. 136, 50937 Köln, Germany
- Talk: "XML-Processing - A different approach - using Sax-Parsers, trees and the Visitor-Pattern" by Günter Jantzen
Further information including directions how to get to the location can be found at:
http://www.pycologne.de (Sorry, this page is in German only)
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Omaha Python Users Group, Mar 5, Notes
Jeff gave a presentation on Elixir. Topics covered included defining objects/tables and relationships. Examples of queries, 1:n and m:n joins were also to be had. Talked then turned to projects that members were currently working on. We finished the meeting by talking about PyCon. There are 3 of us, that we know of, that will be attending PyCon this year.
- elixir
- sqlalchemy — the ORM that elixir sits on.
The door prize for the meeting was, "Python Pocket Reference"
Thanks to everyone who attended.
After the meeting we gathered at Clancy's to socialize.
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
pyCologne Python User Group, Cologne, Germany, Feb 13, Notes
A Key-Signing-Party was organized by Christopher Arndt.
Christopher gave an introduction into encryption and the key-signing process.
Several e-mail programs were discussed: plugins for thunderbird, mutt, outlook.
Rex Turnbull held a talk about bicycle repair man, a tool for refactoring.
- It can be downloaded from http://bicyclerepair.sourceforge.net
- Refactoring is possible from within idle, emacs, vim, scite
- Because refactoring actually makes changes to the code, it is recommended to check the result using unit tests.
- Examples for several types of refactoring: (find references, find definition, extract method, rename, extract, local variable, inline local variable)
The minutes of the meeting in German language can be found here.
Monday, March 3, 2008
Notes from the SoCal Piggies meeting on Feb. 28th
The first presentation of the evening was "Django reports with JQuery -- how to build a report system in 60 minutes" by Gorilla Nation's own Steven Wagner and Saravana Reddy. Steven had spent less than 60 minutes the night before coming up with a Django application that shows how easy it is to run reports by navigating data relationships and displaying summary information in Django. I liked the fact that the app was self-contained and easy to grasp. It made indeed for a very good introduction to the reporting capabilities of Django.
Saravana showed us a quick demo of DOM manipulation, event binding and animation using the JQuery Javascript library. It looked fairly easy to use. The code for the Django and JQuery demos is available on code.google.com here.
The next presenter was Chuck Esterbrook, who talked about his new programming language, Cobra. You don't get to see language creators talk about their babies every day, so it was an interesting experience. Cobra is inspired by the other slithering language, but adds features such as (optional) static typing, design by contract (inspired by Eiffel) and language-level support for unit tests. Of course, this last feature made me perk my ears. Here's how unit tests look in Cobra:
def capped(s as String) as String is shared
assert Utils.capped(‘aoeu’) == ‘Aoeu’
assert Utils.capped(‘’) == ‘’
expect NullArgumentException
Utils.capped(nil) # ahem
The tests get auto-discovered when you run the Cobra interpreter with the -test switch. Which is really cool.
I encourage you to check out Chuck's slides, and the various comparisons with other languages available in the Documentation area of the Cobra Web site. One thing that's not exactly clear from the overview of the language on the Web site is that Cobra is really tied to the C# compiler and the .NET CLR. In fact, if you don't have the .NET CLR and the C# compiler available, then you can't run Cobra. Chuck is developing under Mono on OSX, and of course Mono is available for Linux, so it turns out the .NET thing is not as restrictive as it seems. And there are plans for other back-ends, such as the JVM, LLVM, Parrot, etc.
The fact that Cobra is compiled to .NET CLR bytecode gives it an advantage when it comes to using available .NET libraries and frameworks. I asked Chuck when will we see the first Web framework written in Cobra (that of course being the sign that a language has arrived) and he replied that there already are many open-source Web frameworks available for .NET, so Cobra can just use those.
If you're asking yourself why you need Cobra when you already have IronPython, Chuck provides an explanation on the 'Comparison to Python' page:
"Cobra creates the same kinds of classes, interfaces, method signatures, etc. that are found in C# and Visual Basic. Consequently, you can create a class library in Cobra and comfortably vend it out to C# and Visual Basic programmers on the .NET/Mono platform. In fact, it's an explicit goal of Cobra to play nice with .NET's flagship languages so that introducing Cobra to work environments is both technically and politically feasible.
This is different than IronPython whose class libraries are not going to "feel right" or even be readily accessible to other .NET programmers.
Like IronPython, Cobra can use any .NET libraries, whether home grown, open source, commercial, etc. It can also benefit from .NET tools like profilers and ORMs.
(By the way, IronPython is certainly the best choice if you have lots of existing Python code you wish to run on .NET, or you simply wish to stick with Python while using .NET.)"
Personally, I can't say I'm sold on starting to use Cobra -- the fact that's it's currently married to .NET/C# is a fairly big turn-off for me. But that's just me. If you're developing under .NET and are looking for a modern language with a lot of good features, then give Cobra a try and also check out the Cobra forums.
I'd like to thank Steven Wagner and Gorilla Nation for hosting the meeting. The food was really good too :-) Thanks to Steven, Saravana and Chuck for presenting.The next SoCal Piggies meeting will be at the end of March, after PyCon08. Paul Hildebrandt offered to host the meeting at Disney in Burbank. If you're interested in attending, sign up on our mailing list so you can get all the details.
Monday, February 11, 2008
pyCologne Python User Group, Cologne, Germany, Feb 13, Announcement
starting about 6.30 pm - 6.45 pm
at Room 0.14, Benutzerrechenzentrum (RRZK-B)
University of Cologne, Berrenrather Str. 136, 50937 Köln, Germany
Key Signing Party - (Organization Christopher Arndt)
Bicycle Repairman - Your daily helper for refactoring in Idle, Emacs und SciTE. Short introduction and example. (Rex Turnbull)
Further information including directions how to get to the location can be found at:
http://www.pycologne.de (Sorry, this page is in German only)
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Omaha Python Users Group, Feb 6, Notes
Mike Hostetler gave a great presentation/demonstration of django. After some opening comments comparing different styles of web development, Mike took us through a blog application with django. There were lots of questions all through the presentation. Thanks Mike!
- django
- satchmoproject a django based ecommerce framework
- heartlandstores.com - A site Mike built based on django / satchmoproject and utilizing YUI
- Lightning Talks
- Group Q and A session
Sunday, January 13, 2008
pyCologne Python User Group, Cologne, Germany, Jan 9, Notes
The Python User Group in Cologne met at the computer centre of the University of Cologne. The meeting was attended by 14 people. German speakers might want to refer to our wiki page: http://pycologne.de.
After welcoming and introducing new participants we got to the main topics of the meeting. This time the creator of the pyCologne Logo Michael Weigend joined the Meeting.
Firstly, there were some announcements made by Christopher Arndt:
On April 12th, 13th there will be held the Ruby & Python Conference (RuPy) in Poznan, Poland. They are looking for the contribution of additional talks.
Please refer to: http://www.rupy.eu
- On January 12th, 13th a worldwide TurboGears Sprint is being held. Christopher Arndt, who hosts the German part, invites to join him. Further information can be found at: http://docs.turbogears.org/SprintOrganization
You can see the new pyCologne Logo at the beginning of this post.
This time two talks were be held:
The Publisher/Subscriber-Pattern (Christopher Arndt)
- Definition
- Classification
- Characteristics of the Implementation in Python
- Centralized vs. distributed architecture (Event-Broker)
- Synchronous vs. asynchronous passing of events
- Usage examples: Graphical-User-Interfaces, Logging-Systems, Games
- The home-page of MoinMoin can be found at http://moinmo.in
- Since version 1.6 the desktop edition has been build into the main package. (The desktop edition allows you to download and run your own Wiki on your Computer in no time.)
- Creole as a attempt to create a standardized Wiki-Language
- Packaging of Wiki-Pages into ZIP-files and automatted synchronizing of Wikis
- Configuration of access-control using hierarchical Access-Control-Lists (ACL)
- Introduction into the directory and file organisation which make up the Wiki-pages
- The (German) slides can be found at: http://moinmo.in/MoinMoinTalks/pyCologne-2008-01
The minutes of the meeting in German language can be found here.
As usual the formal part was followed by having pizza and nice conversation in a nearby restaurant.
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Omaha Python Users Group, Jan 9, Notes
This month's meeting was a bit shorter than before due in fact to the great accommodations. It's amazing how much nicer it is to meet in a less crowded environment.
- Crunchy and/or Idiomatic Python
- Lightning Talks
- Group Q and A session
The talk generated some nice discussion.
Thanks to everyone who attended.
The venue does not allow food/drink so after the meeting we decided to meet at a local establishment for some food and beverage and more talk.
Door Prize:
Rapid Web Applications with TurboGears, Mark Ramm
Web Site:
SAGE math
Security, Python, Coverity, DHS
Sunday, January 6, 2008
pyCologne Python User Group, Cologne, Germany, Jan 9, Announcement
starting about 6.30 pm - 6.45 pm
at Room 0.14, Benutzerrechenzentrum (RRZK-B)
University of Cologne, Berrenrather Str. 136, 50937 Köln, Germany
- Talk about MoinMoin (Reimar Bauer)
- Talk about the Publisher/Subscriber-Pattern (Observer-Pattern) (Christopher Arndt)
- Discussion about how to proceed concerning the now established pyCologne-Logo
Further information including directions how to get to the location can be found at:
http://wiki.python.de/User_Group_K%C3%B6ln (Sorry, this page is in German only)